We spend time understanding what our clients are trying to achieve strategically for their business, for their teams and themselves. We then create programmes that provide unique, creative and developmental support that will enable them to achieve their strategic aspirations.
This typically includes assessments to gather rich data from teams and individuals using methods such as the Hogan psychometrics, comprehensive 360 surveys, the Leadership Development Framework, Whole Intelligence and other relevant and reliable assessments to base our developmental approach.
Our approach ensures the clients we are working with are focusing on the areas that really matter so their investment can help individuals and teams to reach their goals more effectively.
We use a mix of creative programmes to achieve the strategic intent of the business including executive coaching, group coaching, facilitating group workshops and creating unusual experiences to generate new thinking, such as immersions in nature.
We create structured programmes, tailored from the conversations we have with clients and using the most appropriate learning and development approaches.
We encourage experimentation – we believe progress comes from acting on the insights our clients uncover.
Our style is personable, warm and always encouraging - balancing the need for support and challenge to allow key insights to arise in sessions.
Our simple but effective approach consists of four core elements:
Consult: We listen and respond to the specific needs of our clients using unique, tailored, and challenging learning and development programmes that move them to their development edge.
Assess: We often use high quality assessments to acquire rich data from which to base our developmental work with clients, ensuring we save them time, effort, money and achieve their desired impact.
Deliver: We create structured and tailored programmes that are highly impactful, with unique, immersive leadership and team experiences that encourage personal and group development. They are created in line with the client’s strategic direction and often extend their thinking about what is possible.
Review: Our programmes include a high degree of accountability, so we regularly check progress to ensure we meet the ongoing learning and development needs of our client throughout our time with them, and beyond.
Contact us today and help your business become future fit.
Woodfalls, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 2LE
07740 172759